Ensino profissional e formação docente: letramentos e multiletramentos em sala de aula
Educação Profissional, Letramentos Múltiplos, Formação de Professores, Leitura e EscritaAbstract
The social distance imposed by the new coronavirus pandemic demonstrates that literacy skills, as well as the various new ways of reading and writing, i.e., multiliteracies have become essential for professional communication processes. Thus, in this research, it aims to investigate how literacies and multiliteracies skills are conducted and if it is critically conducted by teachers specializing in technical education. The method used is descriptive as a qualitative approach, with the data obtained through interviews with teachers of technical subjects in a technical school. At the end of the process, the investigation required the periodic teachers training in specialized areas in technical education for the literacies and multiliteracies, in order to promote greater resourcefulness and criticality in the appropriation of the language of their students, as well as the realization of proposals for interdisciplinary works involving teachers of Portuguese language and teachers with technical specializations.
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