NELLE's training contributions for Basic Education teachers in Goiás: from continued training to praxis
Educação básica, Experiências, Formação continuada, LeituraAbstract
The article presents reflections and experiences of Basic Education teachers in the state of Goiás based on their participation in courses and studies on reading, literary reading and their mediation, promoted by NELLE– Center for Studies in Languages, Reading and Writing. The synchronous online meetings generated new attitudes in pedagogical practices in the field of reading, reverberating in the projects “Little reader”, developed in Early Childhood Education in Iporá and “Diving into reading”, in Elementary School I in Luziânia. Given the concerns about reading, a study was also carried out on the reading corner in a full-time school in Luziânia. These experiences led to the production of other writings, which were published in oral presentations at the International Congress of Children's and Youth Literature held in Ouro Preto in December 2023. The opportunity for continued training that NELLE offered expanded teaching knowledge and strengthened bonds, even over the internet. We can see the capacity of university extension to bring together people and knowledge through concrete manifestations in classrooms and school units, directly affecting praxis.
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