Reader training at school: relevant aspects of an institutional reading incentive project
reading practices; reading experiences; reader mediation.Abstract
This article is an excerpt from a master's degree research completed in 2019, which sought a better understanding of the action project promoted by the education department of a municipality in the south of Minas, whose purpose was to encourage reading practices in its public network education. The question was: what actions have been carried out in public education networks that promote and encourage reading activity? In this cut, the objective was to discuss the relevance of teacher training for the development of school practices that promote and encourage reading experiences in a meaningful and more effective way in the training of readers. To this end, an analysis of the interview carried out with the team that created the institutional project and its descriptive document was carried out. As a result, it was found that the institutional project emphasized work with literature and pleasurable contact with reading, constituting an initiative to encourage reading that seeks to restore reading activity through literary reading, dialoguing with public policies national programs to promote reading. The project considered the formative aspects of literature, privileging this type of reading. However, we realize that literary reading is often used for various didactic purposes, forgetting the specific aspects of literary reading itself. This points to the need to (re)think the concept of reading, which will help in planning for mediation in a meaningful way in reading activities and choosing more effective activities for reader training.
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