Brazil and Portugal: public policies to encourage Reading


  • Antonio Artequilino Silva Neto Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC/SP
  • Paulo Jaime Lampreia Costa Universidade de Évora - CIEC
  • Ângela Maria Franco Martins Coelho de Paiva Balça Universidade de Évora - CIEC



Leitura; Brasil; Portugal.


This article analyzes the reading practices of Brazilians and proposes a discussion on the trajectory of the National Book and Reading Plan (PNLL) in order to try to understand possible connections between the behavior of readers and public policies to encourage reading promoted by the Brazilian government. The analysis of the corpus includes the examination of important data from the 5th edition of the survey “Retratos da leitura no Brasil” (Portraits of reading in Brazil). In addition, with the aim of outlining probable analogies, this study covers the path and premises of the National Reading Plan (PNL) in Portugal. The historical, cultural and linguistic ties that bring the two countries together are indelible and justify an investigation into the probable similarities and discrepancies of their current public policies to encourage reading.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Artequilino Silva Neto, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC/SP

Antonio Artequilino da Silva Neto, PhD in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2018). Master's in Education from the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Goiás (2009). She has a degree and a bachelor's degree in History from the Federal University of Goiás (2003). She completed the MBA - General Training for Executives course at FIA/USP - Fundação Instituto de Administração da Universidade de São Paulo (2004). He completed a postgraduate specialization course in Adult Education at UNB - University of Brasilia (2005). He was a public school teacher where he taught elementary school students from 1990 to 1994. He worked for more than 25 years as a career employee of Banco do Brasil in various areas at the operational, tactical and strategic levels. He stood out at Banco do Brasil as Manager of the Regional People Management Units, mainly in activities that focused on HR subsystems, conflict mediation, human development, Organizational Climate, Professional Performance Management, implementation of educational models, teaching planning and preparation of educational solutions. She worked in the People Department as Manager of the Division responsible for the educational programs of UniBB - Banco do Brasil Corporate University (2013-2014). He was awarded the title of Citizen of Goiânia by the Goiânia City Council for his relevant services in youth and adult education, with an emphasis on adult literacy work (inmates of the Aparecida de Goiânia Prison Complex). He taught in the postgraduate department at PUC Campinas (2012-2013). She has given hundreds of lectures, focusing on education, work and human development. He was a member of the Scientific Committee of the Brazilian Training and Development Congress (2015). He worked as a Public Manager when he held the position of General Coordinator of Labor Relations at the Ministry of Labor in Brasilia, where he developed actions aimed at training federal civil servants and union leaders (2016-2017). He has written and published four books: “Reading in Prison” (2012); “In the Name of the Silenced” (2012); “Bank Workers' Unions: Discursive Formations in Competition” (2020) and "Women's Entrepreneurship Manual” (2023). He worked as a Pedagogical Consultant at Editora Positivo and provided educational consultancy in schools with an emphasis on the principles of the National Common Curriculum Base - BNCC. He was school director at the Municipal School of Basic Education Professor Maria Leonor Alvarez e Silva in the municipality of São João da Boa Vista (SP). He currently works as a consultant for Sapere Aude.


Paulo Jaime Lampreia Costa, Universidade de Évora - CIEC

Paulo Jaime Lampreia Costa has been an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pedagogy and Education at the University of Évora since July 2007. He has a degree in Portuguese and French Teaching and a PhD in Educational Sciences from the University of Évora, having defended his thesis entitled Literature at school: status, functions and forms of legitimization. In terms of teaching, he is responsible for teaching curricular units, especially in the 2nd cycle, with a focus on teacher training. His research interests focus particularly on themes such as the teaching of literature, literary education and language teaching.

He is currently Course Director of the Master's Degree in Teaching Portuguese in the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education and Secondary Education and Spanish in Basic and Secondary Education. He is a member of the Center for Research in Psychology and Education (CIEP-UE) and the International Network of Reading Universities (RIUL), and is a member of several scientific societies. She is currently supervising PhD theses (as part of the Doctoral Course in Educational Sciences), Master's dissertations (Masters in Education: Pedagogical Supervision and Educational Assessment), as well as Supervised Teaching Practice Reports for the Masters in Teaching. She is currently a member of the RED Project team - School Performance and Development, funded by the FCT.

Ângela Maria Franco Martins Coelho de Paiva Balça, Universidade de Évora - CIEC

Assistant Professor. PhD in Education Sciences from the University of Évora. Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures - Portuguese Studies from NOVA FCSH, Lisbon. Director of the Department of Pedagogy and Education at the University of Évora. Visiting Professor at UNESP, São Paulo, Brazil. She has supervised doctoral theses and master's dissertations in the field of Education Sciences. She is a reviewer for several international scientific journals. She publishes in the areas of literary education, reader training, children's literature, mother tongue teaching and school libraries.


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How to Cite

Silva Neto, A. A., Jaime Lampreia Costa, P., & Maria Franco Martins Coelho de Paiva Balça, Ângela. (2024). Brazil and Portugal: public policies to encourage Reading. Devir Educação, 8(1), e–870.