Beyond specialized teachers: school management in Inclusive Education
Capacitance, Inclusion, School managementAbstract
This article aims to reflect on aspects of school management as an indispensable support network in aspects of educational inclusion. The study is justified by the existence of legal frameworks that address the subject in Brazil and by the challenges that schools face in the process of educational inclusion and the existing barriers regarding enrollment, access, participation, and permanence of students with disabilities in school. To fulfill the objectives of this research, it was decided to use a literature review, with a descriptive and qualitative character of textual analyses, to present a broad perspective on the subject and provoke critical and constructive reflection on the subject. The theoretical framework used is based on current legislation and authors’ analyses on the subject addressed. The information in the text was attributed during a doctoral course in education, in the teacher-student relationship in the pedagogy course at a private college in Sergipe. To understand the flow of demands from the target audience of Special Education, it is necessary to perceive and recognize the school’s attributions in the process, particularly the performance of the school manager. School management has the purpose of administration; for this, it must be ordered by identifying the needs and particularities of each sector, favoring inclusive processes in aspects of relationships and development of attitudes, methodologies, evaluation, and instruments that better include everyone in school.
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