Por uma pedagogia latino-americana
Pedagogia latino-americana, Utopia, Formação, Paulo FreireAbstract
This article aims to reflect on the possibility of a Latin American pedagogy, committed to a vision of integral formation of the human being, covering the following aspects: epistemological, pedagogical, political, philosophical, ethical, aesthetic, theological, ecological, mystical and utopian. Based on this perspective, the question that guided this work was: What kind of human formation will contribute to the adoption of emancipatory educational practices? Based on this concern, a theoretical and bibliographic study of Paulo Freire's work was carried out, starting from the book Pedagogia do Oprimido (1988), complementing with other more recent works that describe Paulo Freire's thought in Latin America. The analysis of Freirean ideas showed that integral training means having a perception of the subject in the world, with the world and in interaction with the other, concretely situated in a reality of oppression. Inferences were established through analyzes and interpretations in search of new discoveries in which we obtained as a result, a possibility of human formation and its connection with Latin American Pedagogy, as well as the announcement of other emancipatory educational practical perspectives for a possible future.
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