Use of AI in education: methodological experiences with ChatGPT
ChatGPT, Inteligência Artificial, Metodologia, EducaçãoAbstract
The purpose of this article is to report a set of initial bibliographic research experiences with the help of ChatGPT for the development of the state of the art of an investigation about teachers and fans. Instead of consulting well-known national and international scientific databases, we started a conversation with ChatGPT, an Artificial Intelligence technology that simulates human conversations based on questions in a virtual environment. This experience allowed for an analysis of the responses formulated by the Chatbot, as some authors have conducted (Hutson, 2022; Rossoni, 2022), and additionally, it was possible to test the analysis metrics proposed by the EIAF methodology (Exploratory Interview for Assessing Functionalities). (Santos, 2023). On the other hand, we were able to reflect on the challenges imposed on educators regarding the educational context in times of AI.
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