Learning assessment according to different teaching-learning approaches: a re-reading of Mizukami's analysis (1986)
Avaliação da aprendizagem, Abordagens de ensino, Avaliação e abordagens de ensinoAbstract
This article is part of a larger study, linked to a master's research developed in 2020, funded by CAPES and included in RIDEP - International Research Network on the Professional Development of Teachers[1]. In the larger study, the general objective was to understand the Social Representations of students in an Advertising and Propaganda Course at a Minas Gerais HEI, about the implications of the learning assessment instruments used by their teachers. To achieve this objective, a study was carried out based on the work of Mizukami (1986) on the different teaching-learning approaches and how they manifest themselves in assessment practice. This is what this article is about, whose objective is to analyze how the different teaching-learning approaches described by Mizukami (1986) manifest themselves in assessment practice, highlighting their characteristics, processes and representatives, and to evaluate the relevance of these approaches today. Based on a bibliographic and exploratory study, we discussed the Traditional, Behaviorist, Humanist, Cognitivist and Sociocultural approaches and their characteristics, as well as their main representatives. It was possible to verify that each approach perceives the evaluation process in a different way - the traditional one has a perspective of measuring the information that the student reproduces, the behaviorist one seeks to verify what was learned, the humanist one does not work with standards and considers the individual as the center of his/her learning process, the cognitivist one considers the assimilation and notions of knowledge and finally, the sociocultural one works with a continuous process of mutual evaluation of the educational practice, between student and teacher.
[1] This study, by integrating RIDEP, also constitutes a production (product) of the research “Social representations on the professional development of beginning teachers in higher education: contributions from network studies” funded by CNPq - National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, CNPq/MCTI Call No. 10/2023 - Process 405956/2023-1
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