Teacher Education in CALL for english language teaching: the use of digital objects
Aprendizagem interativa, Educação na era digital, Formação continuada, TecnologiaAbstract
Language teaching has had to adapt to the circumstances of the pandemic and social distancing, requiring the use of digital learning objects (DLOs) and knowledge in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) to ensure the continuity of teaching. Digital technologies (DTs) enable the use of multimodal resources, expanding the educational experience and allowing the teacher to act as a facilitator in guiding students. However, educators have faced challenges in using DTs, emphasizing the need for continuing education to keep pace with their evolution. Through a theoretical-conceptual approach based on relevant research in the field, this article aims to present the knowledge area involving CALL work and to discuss the use of DLOs and digital learning platforms in the context of foreign language teaching. Still, based on relevant studies, this research also aims to present the relevance and need for continuing education for teachers, highlighting the transition that education experiences in the face of the advent of technology. After analyzing the selected studies, it is understood that it is essential for educators to acquire digital competencies through continuing education, becoming agents of transformation in education, promoting a creative and innovative approach in the use of DTs for quality education in the digital age.
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