Profissionalização do ensino no espaço público institucional: os agentes do campo educacional na propaganda governamental do censo escolar
Education, Communication, Teaching professionalizationAbstract
Based on transversality and dialogue between the areas of education and communication, this article analyzes the government propaganda film of the 2021 Brazilian school census and observes its aesthetic elements and filmic language to obtain representations of education in institutional public space and the way in which it is constructed the idea of teaching as a profession. By highlighting images from institutional advertising, the approach is about scenic elements, color patterns, character construction, postures, gestures and costumes, to transcend the perception of details in terms of reflection on the text/ dialogue, metaphors and immanent symbolization. The analysis finds theoretical foundation in the bourdieusian conceptual contributions of field, agent and habitus. The government propaganda, in those historical moments of authoritarianism, expresses forms of representation (of schools and school workspaces; of educational agents; of the relationships that education professionals establish in the educational field, among others) that reproduce symbolic violence, gender stereotypes and relations of domination, segregation and coloniality that tension the professionalization of teaching, in that it involves teaching evolving from a conception of vocation to that of a profession.
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