Education as ideological complex in Lukács


  • Sheila Nunes Pereira UNESP, Marília/SP
  • Neusa Maria Dal Ri UNESP, Marília/SP



Social being, Education, Ideology


The objective of this article is to identify the link between education and ideology in the work For  an ontology of social being by Georges Lukács (2018), with the aim of demonstrating that education is an essentially ideological complex. The research is theoretical in nature, having lukácsian ontological assumptions as its methological foundations. To fulfill the proposed objective, in the first section we identify the essence and function of education. Next, we learn the determining aspects of ideology. Finally, we analyze how the determinations of ideology linked to the education complex in the author’s work. As a result introductory reserch, we observed that the essence of education is to be a mediation between individual and gender in the appropriation and transmission of human historical-generic heritage. It is a social function to influence individuals in the face of new alternatives to react in a social function to influence.


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Author Biographies

Sheila Nunes Pereira, UNESP, Marília/SP

Mestre em Sociologia (UFGD). Doutoranda em Educação pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), na Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências em Marília. Membro do grupo de pesquisa Organizações e Democracia (UNESP).

Neusa Maria Dal Ri, UNESP, Marília/SP

Professora associada livre-docente III da Unesp, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências, Campus de Marília, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa Organizações e Democracia, Editora do periódico ORG&DEMO, Bolsista PQ do CNPq nível 1.


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How to Cite

Sheila Nunes Pereira, & Dal Ri, N. M. (2024). Education as ideological complex in Lukács. Devir Educação, 8(1), e–807.