O ensino de literatura e a leitura literária como gestos
Literatura e ensino, leitura, gesto, rizomaAbstract
The purpose of this article is a discussion about the relationship between the teaching of literature and the performance of literary reading as gestures, taking into account its potential for the formation of the literary reader. From this perspective, the objective is to understand how the teaching of literature and reading, as gestures, contribute to a greater perception of the signs that involve the reading praxis from which subjects can emancipate themselves. To this end, the concepts of performance, reading and rhizome will be mobilized, based on Paul Zumthor and Gilles Deleuze, respectively. The text starts from a brief conception of reading in the performative context as a gesture that moves towards rhizomatization. Finally, some considerations will be made highlighting the possibilities and potential of reading as a fundamental gesture in the construction of knowledge.
Key-words: Literature and teaching, reading, gesture, rhizome.
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