O lugar das ideias na construção da identidade na América Latina e o perigo de uma história única
Ideas; Place; History; Identity.Abstract
The debate on the ideas present in the history of Latin America is of special relevance in the identity construction of its memory. But questioning whether or not they are out of place makes this debate more intriguing, while demonstrating the importance that intellectual history has acquired in the Latin American context, especially in Brazil, which had its history marked by thousands. of political and economic events, transformations, construction of identities, struggles and lack of definitions. The formation of our identity as a people is permeated by several ideas that originated in Europe and here structured different discourses, practices and representations that are in the individual trajectories and of entire collectives. Hence the importance of debating ideas in this process. The objective of this bibliographical text is to discuss the proposed theme, trying to adjust the focus between the place and non-place of ideas in the history of Latin America and to highlight the importance of thinking about history in a plural way, trying to avoid the risk of danger. of a unique and totalizing history, which often prevailed in the history of ideas in the American continent, to the extent that “Eurocentrism” asserted itself with its hegemonic ideas, provoking the denial of local ideas, at the same time that it provoked an “epistemicide” in our history, to the extent that it denied or belittled the knowledge of native and African peoples who had their ideas silenced in the formation of our people, always as something strange, minor and worthless.
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