Supervised internship, initiation to teaching: the place of technologies not always educational
Active teaching and learning processes. Educational Innovation. Pedagogical practices. Teacher Education. Didactics.Abstract
This article is based on recent and objective research that aims to reflect on the role of educational technologies in the initial training of Pedagogy students during the mandatory internship. Technologies have always been embedded in educational practices, but not always, even the most current ones, have occupied the place that defines them as educational technologies. This constitutes the issue translated into the question: How can we make use of technologies so that they are not just a mere support to 'replace the teacher,' but a genuinely educational didactic support? This study shows that it is not enough to change didactic support technologies; there is a need for reinvention. Transforming technologies into innovative and educational tools depends on a change in mentality and a willingness to identify areas for improvement. This begins not when the teacher is licensed to teach but during their training. However, not always do interns have a formation, not even during their internship, that meets the requirements of this new era. This is justified by the need to discuss the relevance of the internship in the Pedagogy course, particularly in teacher initiation, especially in the use of technologies chosen for teaching.The results also reveal inconsistencies in the initial teacher training, among which stands out the handling of not always educational technologies, as they are not only repetitive but rarely contribute to innovative and more attractive didactics. The study relied on observation and narrative interviews with graduating Pedagogy interns. The theoretical framework includes authors such as Lévy, Pimenta, and Sancho.
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