Crisis in education and its curricular interfaces
education, Curriculum, Crisis in educationAbstract
This study results from theoretical constructions and reflections on curriculum knowledge related to education, developed in a discipline of a graduate course. The text seeks to reflect on curriculum issues and its relations with the crisis in contemporary education, with reference to scholars in the field of curriculum knowledge and the contributions of the German thinker Hannah Arendt. It also elucidates the types of curriculum and their respective intentions inserted in their pedagogical models; didactic methods, research methods; conceptions of the world, of knowledge, of education, of school, and of evaluation. The methodological path was by means of bibliographic research in a qualitative approach. The results point out that, with the crisis of authority that has been established in modernity, affecting all instances of society, the field of education in its formative and educational processes has been immersed in an educational crisis that, since the twentieth century, has been spreading worldwide. Thus, the need to deepen the theoretical understanding of curricular issues of our time is justified, with the intention of designing an increasingly multicultural curriculum considering our reality.
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