Tecnologias digitais na escolarização de estudantes com dislexia uma revisão de literatura
Processo de Ensino-Aprendizagem, Dislexia, Tecnologias Digitais da Informação e ComunicaçãoAbstract
Dyslexia is a specific learning disorder, of neurobiological origin, characterized by difficulty in accurate and/or fluent word recognition, decoding and spelling skills. The use of technological resources in the classroom can be considered an adequate practice, in which the teacher uses it to stimulate the development of reading skills in order to offer more meaningful learning to students. Thus, the main objective of this research was to review the national and international literature on the use of digital technologies in the context of dyslexia. For that, the following databases were used: Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and Education Resources Information Center (ERIC). To carry out the searches, the descriptors “Dyslexia” and “Technology” (BDTD and SciELO) and “Technology” and “Dyslexic” (ERIC) were used. In all, 18 academic productions were raised for the present article, in relation to the thematic categories we observed that the categories Resources and Higher Education allocated the largest numbers of productions, with four each, then we have Accessibility and Software (3); Teacher Training and Assistive Technology (2); Virtual Learning Environment, Distance Education, Remote Learning, Sources and Playfulness (1). Some productions were allocated in more than one category, since they contemplated more than one theme. The relevance of more publications on the subject is evident, especially in the context of Basic Education, with a view to contributing to the work of teachers, educators, family members, and education professionals who are interested in the area of dyslexia and digital technologies.
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