Sociology for what? The curriculum, the disciplinary grid and the Sociology teacher in high school
Sociologia, Ensino, BNCC, CurrículoAbstract
This article asks why we taught, teach and will teach Sociology in the training of high school students. The theme is relevant in view of the subtractive transformations of the weight of Sociology in teaching. To do so, it analyzes, through a bibliographic review, which is not intended to be generalizing or systematic, the legal documents that structure the curriculum in Brazil, associating them with critical readings of the bibliography specialized in the subject. Among the findings, it is shown that public policies conceive the curriculum as a sociocultural element of a humanistic nature, a pedagogical concept that goes beyond a mere curriculum. Thus, policies structure a series of competencies in the curriculum that revolve around the discipline of Sociology and student socialization. At the same time, specialists on the subject analyze the space of Sociology in the curriculum and confirm this perception that the curriculum embeds training for citizenship, having their arguments based on the desirability, usefulness and pedagogical suitability of the discipline. Finally, it was noted that BNCC generated a fragmentation in student education, which tends to be explained by the interposition of political dynamics.
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