O clima social de uma escola de ensino médio na percepção dos professores antes e durante a pandemia de Covid-19
School Social Climate, High school, Pandemic, Teachers, Social ConstructionismAbstract
The school social climate consists of how people feel inside the school and is related to the relationships among teachers, management, students, family/community, teaching-learning activities, and internal and external factors to the school. It interferes both in the teaching process and also in the learning and the quality of life of people involved in the school environment. This article is part of a research that aimed to understand the school social climate in a high school in a small town in Zona da Mata Mineira before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The theoretical perspective of the study was Social Constructionism. Due to the pandemic and the lack of face-to-face classes, a questionnaire was designed on topics related to the school's social climate before and during the pandemic. Out of the 20 high school teachers at the school, seven returned the questionnaire. In general, teachers reported a good interpersonal relationship with the administration, employees, students, and the community. Although social distancing affects the school's social climate. We believe it would be an opportunity to investigate whether the pandemic would have affected that climate and how. Teachers emphasized that they really miss social life and students at school.
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