Media education and teaching practice in a pandemic context
Media education and teaching practice in a pandemic contextAbstract
Incorporating media Education into the school curriculum is to encourage non-compartmentalized teaching based on the active attitude of students, inevitably immersed in the digital environment. From this perspective, it is essential to use content that allows exploration through interdisciplinary. In this work, we use Scientific Method theme in a proposal for teaching by investigation, based on a didactic sequence, applied to high school and youth and adult Education students at a college in the State of Bahia. The guiding question of the present work was to assess whether our students are media prepared to position themselves in the digital world, as it is urgent for them to know to check the sources of any information and the posts intention, declared or subliminal, that they access. Thus, this project constituted a valuable diagnosis to encourage future actions on this theme in loco or in different spaces, being able to subsidize the teaching practice, which must be articulated between the different cultures, including cybernetics, in which young people are inserted, as well as their future expectations.
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