Folclore, linguagem e comunicação: perspectivas para uma visão transcultural da cultura


  • Joel Cezar Bonin UNIARP
  • Fabiana Dalilla Becker UNIARP
  • Rita Márcia Twardowski UNIARP
  • Suéli Taiane Vicentim UNIARP
  • Vânia Cristina Marcon da Rocha Lusa UNIARP



Folklore; Language; Transculturalism; Weltanschauung


The purpose of this article was to establish a relationship between language, culture and folklore. Folklore, as a social and cultural expression of a folk, was discussed in the first step of the text, since the origin of the word, through the laws that ensure the freedom to experience it, until an overview in Brazil, trying to understand that we experience and feel the folklore in our daily lives, inherited from the junction of different folks. Besides that, the impact of folklore in a cross-sectional view was written. In the second step, we tried to show the language in its relation with culture and the importance of language, mainly written, in the construction and cultural preservation. We tried to understand the sense of cultural diversity expressed through the language, as a point of complementation and interlocution and not as an element of disaggregation and disjunction. The last stage of the article was the debate around Weltanschauung, a concept that embraces reality, which serves as a basis for the interpretation of the world. What is seen and understood, needs to be filtered by the "world view". The need of a cross-cultural and transdisciplinary vision is necessary, since the world we have is the result of ourselves and the interpretation of the lived world. So, in the relationship between language, culture and folklore, there is not a closure, a one-sidedness of a culture, but a fusion that enriches each other.


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Author Biographies

Joel Cezar Bonin, UNIARP

Doutor em Filosofia pela PUC-PR. Professor do PPGEB – UNIARP, Caçador-SC. Email: ORCID:;

Fabiana Dalilla Becker, UNIARP

Mestranda pelo PPGEB – UNIARP, Caçador-SC. Professora de Língua Inglesa na Escola de Educação Básica Expedicionário Mário Nardelli, em Rio do Oeste-SC. Email: ORCID:

Rita Márcia Twardowski, UNIARP

Mestranda pelo PPGEB – UNIARP, Caçador-SC. Professora de Geografia na Escola de Educação Básica Professor Clementino Britto, de Porto União-SC, Orcid:

Suéli Taiane Vicentim, UNIARP

Mestranda pelo PPGEB – UNIARP, Caçador. Coordenadora de Patrimônio/Compra Rotativa da Secretaria Municipal de Educação-União da Vitória/PR. Email: ORCID:;

Vânia Cristina Marcon da Rocha Lusa, UNIARP

Mestranda pelo PPGEB – UNIARP, Caçador-SC. Professora de Língua Inglesa na Escola Municipal de Educação Básica Pierina Santin Perett, em Caçador-SC. Email: ORCID:


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How to Cite

Bonin, J. C., Becker, F. D., Twardowski, R. M. ., Vicentim, S. T. ., & Rocha Lusa, V. C. M. da . (2021). Folclore, linguagem e comunicação: perspectivas para uma visão transcultural da cultura. Devir Educação, 5(2), 86–103.