Perspectivas de ensino nos cursos técnicos: experiências de professores nas aulas remotas mediadas por Jamboard


  • Patrícia Florêncio Instituto Federal de Alagoas - IFAL
  • André Melo Instituto Federal de Alagoas - IFAL
  • Givaldo Santos Instituto Federal de Alagoas - IFAL



Remote Teaching; Digital Technologies; Jamboard tool.


The advent of the new coronavirus pandemic has brought a paradigm shift in all sectors of human life to the world. Education was no different and schools had to adapt their activities on an emergency basis. This article aims to present the experiences of teachers of technical courses in electrotechnics and nursing in remote classes mediated by the Jamboard tool, justifying the fact that the predominance of assessment occurs in online activities that contributes to the training of their students and teachers. who work in this stage of education, discussing the tool and its potential for teaching and learning students. The research methodology was qualitative, of the case study type, and obtaining the fori data through observation and analysis of the development of the e-activities constructed by the students. In reality, the approach of teachers and students to the online reality was demanded, related to the organization, selection of resources, preparation and evaluation of e-activities of significant learning in this new normality that is established. But no one, not even teachers who already adopted online environments in their practices, imagined that such a rapid and emergency change would be necessary, due to the expansion of the coronavirus. The experience brought mechanisms to experience remote teaching using technological tools through active methodologies, emphasizing reflections between the face-to-face and the remote moment. Valuing teaching that involves teachers and students in a pedagogical environment that enhances a way of learning to resize the teaching-learning process.


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Author Biographies

Patrícia Florêncio, Instituto Federal de Alagoas - IFAL

Master in Health Education (FAMED/UFAL). Specialization in Occupational Nursing (UNINTER). Specialization in Public Health with an emphasis on Service Management and Family Health (UPE). Specialization in Higher Education Methodology (UPE). Specialization in Hospital Administration (UNAERP). Graduated in Nursing and Midwifery (UFAL). Undergraduate student in Degree in Pedagogy, UNINASSAU. Effective Professor EBTT at the Federal Institute of Education, Technological of Alagoas, Campus Benedito Bentes (IFAL).

André Melo, Instituto Federal de Alagoas - IFAL

EBTT Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Technological of Alagoas - IFAL, acting in Integrated and subsequent courses. Master in Education from the Federal University of Sergipe (2016). Specialization in Work Safety from the Faculty of Alagoas-FAT (2013). Training for Higher Education Teaching by the Jayme de Altavila Educational Foundation - FEJAL (2007). Full Degree in Mathematics from the Faculty - CESMAC (2009). Graduated in Electrical Engineering from the Jayme de Altavila Educational Foundation-FEJAL in Maceió (2004) and Building Technician from the Federal Technical School of Alagoas - ETFAL (1994). Conducted some courses in training with technology in education in hybrid and remote systems. It has national publications. Guidance for students in integrated and subsequent modalities in their professional internships, lasting 4 months. My line of research is technology, assessment, hybrid and remote systems, teacher training. He worked for 8 years for the private company REDE GLOBO DE TELEVISION, in the Engineering sector, in 2013, he began working as a Full Professor at the Federal Institute of Sergipe (IFS) Campus Estância, where he acted as coordinator of CCDD-Controle Docente e Discente, in the period from August 12, 2016 to April 25, 2018 and recently on April 27, 2018, there was an ordinance in the daily DO of redistribution from Sergipe to Alagoas Campus Maceió, I worked in Sergipe for approximately 5 years and 6 months, today I am currently a teacher IFAL's permanent staff, who joined exercises on May 11, 2018, has experience in the area of ​​Electrical Engineering, with an emphasis on power system and telecommunication, working mainly on the following topics: education, technology, electrical and automation. He has experience and publications in the areas of Education, Communication and Technologies, working mainly on the following topics: education, information and communication technologies, interactivity, education, teacher training, digital TV, and automation.

Givaldo Santos, Instituto Federal de Alagoas - IFAL

Graduated in MATHEMATICS from the Federal University of Alagoas (1991), Masters in Mathematics from the Federal University of Ceará (1996) and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (2003). He is currently a full-time associate professor, with exclusive dedication, at the Federal Institute of Alagoas - Campus Maceió. Professor of the Licentiate Degree in Mathematics, in addition, he is a collaborating professor of the Graduate Program in Teaching of Science and Mathematics at the Federal University of Alagoas. Has experience in Mathematics, with an emphasis on Mathematics, acting on the following topics: environment, environmental education, teaching learning, environmental protection and algorithm. He also has experience in Electrical Engineering, working mainly in Coding and Decoding Codes.


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How to Cite

Florêncio, P. ., Melo, A. ., & Santos, G. (2021). Perspectivas de ensino nos cursos técnicos: experiências de professores nas aulas remotas mediadas por Jamboard . Devir Educação, 206–226.