The redefinition of languages teaching from the intensive use of DTIC in times of pandemic
Redefinition; New technologies; Pandemic; Teaching.Abstract
The pandemic generated by Covid-19 showed the importance of the insertion of New Digital Technologies of Information and Communication (DTIC) in the educational scope, the formation of teachers requires more and more preparation for an effective teaching work. The Common National Base for the Initial Training of Basic Education Teachers (CNB-Training) in line with the Common National Curriculum Base (CNCB) recognizes the need to pedagogically employ digital innovations and languages in teaching. The use of DTIC can work as a technique that helps to promote the active learning of students, they are allies in teaching, since students are increasingly connected, sharing information, posts, videos, photos through the web. With the pandemic, the role of the teacher has been redefined in virtualized environments. This academic study discusses processes of redefinition the teaching method through new technologies during the pandemic in the schools of the network, in the Federal District. It is a qualitative research, the methodology used was supported by theoretical contributions and practical investigation in which twelve teachers answered a semi-open questionnaire online. The results we reached in this research show that an adaptation was necessary for the new teaching formats provided by the pandemic, there is also a lack of preparation for both teachers and students to efficiently integrate DICT into the educational context, and consequently the impact of the use is considerable of new technologies in the teaching of languages in the current scenario of education.
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