The new role of literature, hypermedia and the relationship between teaching and learning


  • Nivaldo Medeiros Diogenes Colégio Agostiniano Mendel



Teaching, Literature, RPG, Intersemiotic translation.


In view of the new models of education, centered on the use of technologies, this work, the result of post-doctoral research, seeks to understand the relationship between literature and electronic games as a teaching-learning strategy. In this perspective, the book-game “Memories of a militia sergeant”, by Manuel Antônio de Almeida, is listed as an object of research, assuming the objectives of analyzing the possibilities of literary recreation from the intersemiotic translation between the book and the game and discussing the relevance of new technologies for encouraging students to read and produce texts, as much as their potential as a pedagogical strategy to be used by the teacher. This discussion is based on Johan Huizinga, about the concept of game, Pierre Lévy, in the man-technology interaction and Sônia Rodrigues, in the RPG language. In this way, it is expected to contribute to the continuous process of improving teaching and learning.


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Author Biography

Nivaldo Medeiros Diogenes, Colégio Agostiniano Mendel

Pós-doutor em letras – Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (UPM); Professor de literatura nos colégios Agostiniano Mendel (SAEA), São Miguel Arcanjo (SAMIAR) e Secretaria Estadual de Educação do Estado de São Paulo (SEE). 


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How to Cite

Diogenes, N. M. (2021). The new role of literature, hypermedia and the relationship between teaching and learning. Devir Educação, 5(1), 43–62.



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