A implantação da EaD: Um estudo sobre os dispositivos legais e a expansão do curso de Pedagogia
Higher Education, Distance Education, Educational legislationAbstract
This study focuses on the analysis of the growth and implementation of Distance Education in Brazil. For this, a survey was carried out based on official documents released by the Ministry of Education (MEC) and the Brazilian Association for Distance Education (ABED), thus creating a chronological history of events and data involving higher education in distance education modality. The objective of this article is to understand and discuss the implementation of higher education courses in Brazil. Documentary analysis was used in documents dated from 1996 to 2017. It was found that the search for distance undergraduate courses has been increasing year by year, highlighting the demand for graduate courses, and the Pedagogy course led the enrollments made in the years 2016 and 2017. The analysis made it possible to conclude that the expansion and flexibility of distance education, under the control of private institutions, and the way in which public policies operate in this type of higher education, show the strong influence of neoliberal models in Brazilian education. The individual is responsible for his training and the student for the search of professional qualification, but given to his financial conditions, he opts for distance education courses, as they are more affordable.
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