Violência, fracasso escolar e juventude periférica: contribuições da psicologia escolar para a formação docente continuada


  • Larissa Figueiredo Salmen Seixlack Bulhões UFLA - Universidade Federal de Lavras



psicologia escolar, formação docente, protagonismo juvenil, violência de Estado


Studies on the history of School Psychology as a field of knowledge in Brazil have pointed out theoretical and practical mismatches in the area's productions, generated by the distance between the psychologist and the concrete reality of educational institutions. This scenario corroborates the spread of clinical and pathological expectations regarding the psychologist's performance in face of the demands of educational institutions. Therefore, schools request the intervention of the psychologist, hoping that complaints regarding school failure, indiscipline and violence result in diagnoses for students, exempting from responsibility the interpersonal relationships that permeate the institutional logic. Through an intervention report, this article aims to contribute to overcoming this medical and individualizing perspective of the school psychologist's work in the context of continuing teacher education. From the institutional demand, the intervention on screen turned to the theme of the relationships between youth, violence and school failure. The challenges faced gravitated around overcoming the diagnostic expectation of the institution and deconstructing the ideal standard of good student. The training content consisted of: getting to know students beyond the school walls; adopt the students' reality as the starting point of the intervention; work on the peripheral culture within the school; support collective organization as a means for objective transformations. The results obtained pointed to the transformation of the interpersonal relationships between the teachers and the students involved, who have conquered spaces for the expression of peripheral culture in the institution, as well as the representation of student interests.


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Author Biography

Larissa Figueiredo Salmen Seixlack Bulhões, UFLA - Universidade Federal de Lavras

Doutora em educação, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Larissa Figueiredo Salmen Seixlack Bulhões. (2020). Violência, fracasso escolar e juventude periférica: contribuições da psicologia escolar para a formação docente continuada. Devir Educação, 4(1), 139–154.

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