A (re)estruturação da diretriz curricular municipal de Rondonópolis/MT: contribuições do estudo colaborativo do OBEDUC/MT


  • Rosana Martins Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT)
  • Andréia Cristina Santiago Carvalho Universidade Federal de Matro Grosso (UFMT)
  • Marly Souza Brito Farias Universidade Federal de Matro Grosso (UFMT)




Políticas Educacionais, Base Nacional Comum Curricular, Professores iniciantes, Formação continuada


This article pontificates about how beginner teachers, participants of OBEDUC of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) of Rondonópolis - Mato Grosso (MT), see the implementation of the National Curricular Common Base (BNCC) in the context of public policy, especially in the restructuring of the Municipal Curriculum Guideline of Rondonópolis_MT, since such educational necessity emerged. For such education, it was based on the understanding that the Base is not curriculum, being both the teaching systems and the schools responsible for developing the curriculums. It is a fact that the BNCC brings in the attempt of exerting control over the knowledge and of attending agendas and the interests of a global policy. Thus, by means of educational memorials, in the context of continuing teacher education of OBEDUC/Rondonópolis – Mato Grosso (MT), the aim of this text is to present and discuss the specific reflections of the RME (Municipal Teaching System) teachers from Rondonópolis – MT regarding the BNCC and the reorganization of the Curriculum Guideline of the referred city. The data, resulting from the studies and discussions about the BNCC, of teachers participating in OBEDUC/UFMT, indicate that the studies and discussions about the BNCC have contributed with the teacher education of beginner teachers, in terms of the change in the way of thinking and comprehending their difficulties, influencing positively how they think their practices, taken as reference the school curriculum and highlight how the collaboration process helps them have their opinion about the realignment of the Curriculum Guideline of the Municipal Teaching System (RME) of Rondonópolis – MT.


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How to Cite

Martins, R., Andréia Cristina Santiago Carvalho, & Souza Brito Farias , M. . (2019). A (re)estruturação da diretriz curricular municipal de Rondonópolis/MT: contribuições do estudo colaborativo do OBEDUC/MT. Devir Educação, 3(2), 75–91. https://doi.org/10.30905/ded.v3i2.172