Evaluation of learning in educational hybrid contexts:
Avaliação da aprendizagem, Educação híbrida, Mapa conceitualAbstract
In the context of hybrid education, this research aims to present an experience report on the use of the concept map as an evaluative resource at the higher education level, providing an overview of the potentialities of this assessment instrument. The research with theoretical and methodological basis was developed within the scope of a Postgraduate Course in Education of a Brazilian public university, whose pedagogical proposal was based on the perspective of learning evaluation in hybrid spaces of education. It was in the development of the didactic activities of this discipline and in the conduction of thematic seminars on the assessment of learning that the following guiding question of this study arose: what evaluative possibilities does the concept map provide to the teaching and learning context, in a hybrid perspective? The methodology involved studies in theoretical contributions, presentation of the seminar, preparation of conceptual maps by students in CmapTools, publication of activities in the virtual learning environment (VLE) of the discipline and data analysis. The categories of analysis considered were the production of the concept maps and the interactions in the VLE, observing in the maps its structure, the main and secondary concepts, the coherence in the hierarchies and the evidences of a significant learning. The results point out that in the context of hybridity in education, concept maps are evaluative procedures conducive to developing meaningful teaching and learning practices. Moreover, in the evaluation process, these resources offer possibilities for the learning of students, and conditions for continuous reflection. and allow the development of a formative-procedural assessment.
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