Formação inicial dos professores do ensino fundamental I: onde está a dança-educação?
dança, corpo, educação, formação docenteAbstract
The current brazilian educational context promotes discussions about body and movement in educational institutions. This article aims to problematize the presence of dance-education in the National Curriculum Parameters (PCN) regarding primary schools, in theoretical studies, and in curricula from Pedagogy programs. The methodology used is of a qualitative nature, making use of documentary and bibliographic research. This study starts from the question: where is the dance-education? The theoretical reference is composed of: Gariba (2005), Nóbrega (2010), Gonçalves (1994), Todaro (2018), Arroyo (2012), Paviani (2011),
Franzoni (2007), Albano (2010) and Ostetto (2010). An analysis of the PCN and theoretical studies shows that it is necessary to understand dance associated with education as an opportunity for body movement, with educational institutions responsible for enabling or denying its offer in their spaces. The results of the research in the curricular matrices showed the need to insert dance as a discipline or content, in greater intensity, in order to form dance teachers who can carry out teaching in dance-education in schools.
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